General Information

Thai Oil Public Company Limited

Initial TOP
Registration number 0107547000711
Business Type Operates a highly complex refinery utilizing modern and efficient processing technologies to produce petroleum products primarily for domestic distribution. Further diversifies investment into related businesses which include petrochemical products, lube base oil, ethanol, power generation, as well as marine and pipeline transportation of petroleum and petrochemical products.
Registered Capital (Baht) 20,400,278,730 Baht
Comprising 2,040,027,873 fully paid-up common shares of 10 baht per share
Value of Share (Baht/Share) 10 Baht

555/1 Energy Complex Building A, 11th Floor
Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Chatuchak, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900
Phone : 0 – 2797 – 2999
0 – 2299 – 9000
Fax : 0 – 2797 – 2970
Sriracha 42/1 Moo 1, Sukhumvit Road Km. 124,
Tungsukla, Sriracha, Chonburi 20230
Phone : 0 – 3840 – 8500
0 – 3835 – 9000
Fax : 0 – 3835 – 1554
0 – 3835 – 1444
Investor Contact Phone : 0 – 2797 – 2961
E-mail : [email protected]