Procurement Policy
Circular No. 84/2024
Thaioil Group's Sustainable Procurement Policy
To ensure that the procurement process is efficient, and practically aligned across Thaioil Group leading to sustainable developement of the companies as well as building confidence to stakeholders through procurement operations which are transparent, fair, and auditable. Therefore, the Company has established Sustainable Procurement Policy with the following principles:
1. Procure by taking into account the value of money, efficiency, and effectiveness with all aspects
of quality, price and service to achieve maximum benefit of Thaioil Group.
2. Conduct procurement process with business ethics, not taking advantages of supplier; provide
accurate, complete, clear and open information; and give fair treatment to all supplier as well as
open for suppliers' opinions and suggestions.
3. Implement transparent, fair and auditable procurement process and comply with relevant laws
& Regulation as well as execution of Risk mangement, and good internal control.
4. Execute Sustainable Procurement and Supplier Management in a sustainable manner by taking
into account environment impacts, social responsibillity, and good corporate governace (ESG)
along with the Sustainable Code of Conduct for Suppliers of Thaioil Group (SCOC) which are
parts of the sustainable Supply Chain Management (SCM).
5. Focus on Supplier Management by enhancing supplier relationships and building supplier
capabilities for continuos joint development.
6. Well manage knowledge among Thaioil and Susbsidiaries and leverage technology to support
the procurement process and strive for the business excellence of Thaioil Group.
All managements and employees of Thaioil Group are accountable for supporting, driving, and
executing in accordance with Thaioil Group' Sustainable Policy and Procurement Management
Framework stricly.
(Mr. Bandhit Thamprajamchit)
Chief Executive Officer and President
7th June 2024