Sustainability management structure

Thaioil's Sustainability Management Structure

Thaioil Group manages sustainability matters with specialized functions that are relevant to each matter. Meanwhile, the Sustainable Development team takes the holistic views of sustainability management. Furthermore, the team reports quarterly the performance to the Sustainable Development Steering Committee (Management Level) and reports biannually to the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee (Board Level). The results are then reported to the Board of Directors for consideration and acknowledgment on a regular basis. This process will manage Thaioil Group’s operations and practices in line with the corporate strategy and assist Thaioil Group in responding to the needs and expectations of all stakeholder groups.

Update : February 2024

Contact The Office of Sustainability Management

The Office of Sustainability Management was established in 2013 as Thaioil’s top executives saw the importance of driving forward organizational sustainability. The Office is structured under the Department of Corporate Governance and Affairs to act as the center of Thaioil’s sustainable development. The office’s main responsibilities are to develop sustainability management strategies, policies, and operation plans as well as to coordinate with other departments and outside agencies in developing master plans and operational methods. The Office of Sustainable Management will aid in the development of Thaioil’s sustainable corporate culture, promoting the awareness on the importance of sustainable operations to employees and other stakeholders. 



Contact The Office of Sustainability Management